42 hydrothol 191
PDF DANGER PELIGRO - AquaPlant Hydrothol 191 can be applied to floating algae mats as a surface appli-cation. In instances where the algae or plant(s) to be controlled is an exposed surface problem (i.e. some of the broad-leaved pond weeds) coverage is important. For best results, apply the concentrate with the Hydrothol Granular for Algae & Weed Control - Aquacide Hydrothol Granular is a selective, rapid-acting, contact herbicide and algaecide. The physical form, mode of action, and general usage of Hydrothol Granular are similar to Aquathol Super K Granular. Hydrothol 191 Granular is useful for controlling algae and weeds. Call 1-800-328-9350 or email info@killlakeweeds.com to know about Hydrothol Granular.
Hydrothol Granular | Hydrothol 191 | Pond Herbicide, Lake Weed Removal ... Hydrothol 191 has been successfully used for over 25 years. The label says it all - pond weeds, naiads, milfoils, coontail, stargrass, hydrilla, canada waterweed and many algae types including the tough ones. A great choice for lake-shore weed & algae control. Apply with a hand scoop or hand held spreader.

Hydrothol 191
Hydrothol 191 Granular Algaecide | Aquatic Vegetation Control Hydrothol 191 Granular is our #1 Selling Chemical for killing submersed aquatic weeds weeds. It is extremely effective against a broad spectrum of submersed weeds and it also controls problem algae at the same time! Hydrothol 191 Treatment Rate example: *Typical Rates: 7.5 to 12.5 Lbs per 1000 sq ft. 4 Ft average depth. PDF Material Safety Data Sheet 12-174 - Hydrothol® 191 Aquatic algicide and herbicide Percent Volatiles 47% Melting Point/Range Not available Odor Slight chlorine Specific Gravity 1.044 @25 C Solubility >50 g/100 ml Evaporation Rate Not available Physical State Liquid Vapor Pressure 9.45 X 10-6 Torr(Salt) Appearance Vapor Density Not available Dark yellow Light brown HYDROTHOL 191 VIDEO#2 aquatic herbicide - Lake Weed Killer - YouTube 877-224 4899 HYDROTHOL 191 aquatic herbicide - Lake Weed Killer to kill lake weeds Aquatic Plant and Algae Management Here is some excellent information: EFFECTS OF...
Hydrothol 191. Safety Data Sheet - Washtenaw 12-172 Hydrothol® Granular Aquatic Algicide and Herbicide Revision date 31-Dec-2018 Hazardous combustion productsExtreme temperatures convert Endothall product to endothall anhydride which is a strong vessicant causing blistering of eyes, mucous membranes and skin. Explosion data Protective equipment and precautions for firefighters Hydrothol® 191 - Jones Fish Hatcheries & Dist., LLC Hydrothol 191™ is a broad spectrum algaecide and herbicide useful in areas where copper-based products are not an option. Consult product label prior to use Effective in murky water Apply early in the spring, prior to fish spawning Application should not exceed 0.45 gallons per acre-foot of water PDF Safety Data Sheet Product Description: Hydrothol® 191 Aquatic algicide and herbicide Other means of identification Product code 12-174 UN/ID no. 2902 Registration number(s) 70506-175 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended use Aquatic herbicide. Algaecide. Uses advised against Activities contrary to label recommendation United Phosphorus Inc Hydrothol 191 6020396 Herbicide 20lb. United Phosphorus Inc Hydrothol 191 6020396 Herbicide 20lb. Brand: United Phosphorus Inc 296 ratings | 26 answered questions $11269 ($0.35 / Ounce) About this item Is a concentrated aquatic herbicide/algaecide effective against a wide variety of submersed aquatic weeds and algae. Please refer to product label for dosage rates and use instructions.
Hydrothol® Granular - Lake Restoration Hydrothol® Granular $ 125.00 - $ 245.00 Rated 3.96 out of 5 based on 25 customer ratings ( 25 customer reviews) Granular aquatic herbicide and algaecide for lakes only. Options Add to cart SKU:HYDROTHOL Top Weeds Controlled Milfoil Hydrilla Combine with your purchase Cutrine-Plus® Granular Rated 4.50 out of 5 $ 64.75 - $ 125.00 Select options Hydrothol 191 40 lbs | Lake Management Inc. Hydrothol 191 granular is a broad-spectrum granular aquatic algaecide and aquatic herbicide effective on most submerged aquatic plants and algae. Category: Herbicides Description Description Hydrothol 191 granular is effective on most submerged aquatic plants and algae. A forty pound pail will cover approximately 6,500 square feet or 65'x100′. HB Pond Management - Hydrothol 191 Granular Herbicide Hydrothol 191 Granular Aquatic Herbicide/Algaecide is the most versatile granular product ever! It is excellent for use in spot treatment due to its wide range of herbicidal activity on most aquatic species and also very effectively kills Chara too. Hydrothol 191 Algaecide/Herbicide effectively kills most pondweeds, naiads, milfoils, coontail ... Aquatic Biologists | Hydrothol Granular 20lb Bag Hydrothol® Granular is a contact algaecide and aquatic herbicide for use in drainage canals, lakes and ponds. Apply Hydrothol® Granular at the labeled rates as evenly as possible in the area to be treated. Repeat treatment when growth reappears. Hydrothol® Granular Example: Sample 100ft x 65ft Lakeshore Lot (6500 sq ft) 4 Ft avg. depth
Hydrothol 191 Granular | Aquatic Weed & Algae Control - The Pond Shop® Hydrothol 191 Granular Algaecide/Herbicide is a selective, rapid-acting, contact herbicide and algaecide. Controls submersed weeds and algae in lakes, ponds, irrigation canals, and drainage ditches. Works rapidly enough to be effective in both still and slow-moving water. EPA approved Works quickly Not swimming or fishing restrictions HYDROTHOL 191 VIDEO#2 aquatic herbicide - Lake Weed Killer - YouTube 877-224 4899 HYDROTHOL 191 aquatic herbicide - Lake Weed Killer to kill lake weeds Aquatic Plant and Algae Management Here is some excellent information: EFFECTS OF... PDF Material Safety Data Sheet 12-174 - Hydrothol® 191 Aquatic algicide and herbicide Percent Volatiles 47% Melting Point/Range Not available Odor Slight chlorine Specific Gravity 1.044 @25 C Solubility >50 g/100 ml Evaporation Rate Not available Physical State Liquid Vapor Pressure 9.45 X 10-6 Torr(Salt) Appearance Vapor Density Not available Dark yellow Light brown Hydrothol 191 Granular Algaecide | Aquatic Vegetation Control Hydrothol 191 Granular is our #1 Selling Chemical for killing submersed aquatic weeds weeds. It is extremely effective against a broad spectrum of submersed weeds and it also controls problem algae at the same time! Hydrothol 191 Treatment Rate example: *Typical Rates: 7.5 to 12.5 Lbs per 1000 sq ft. 4 Ft average depth.
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