45 authority supreme herbicide label
Authority® Supreme Herbicide: Time-Lapse of Preemergent Control When put to the test, Authority® Supreme herbicide outpaced the competition in preemergent control. See the difference in performance with this one month time-lapse of plant emergence in Mt.... What's New in Weed Control 2018: Label Updates - Penn State Extension Neither of these are effective on existing grasses, so they will likely be tank-mixed with glyphosate or other effective herbicides. Soybean. Authority Supreme 4.17L (sulfentrazone [Spartan] + pyroxasulfone [Zidua]; groups 14 and 15; FMC) is not yet registered for use but should be soon. It will be applied pre in soybean and have activity on ...
Reichman Sales & Service | Reichman Sales & Service Products Authority ® Supreme Herbicide Category Herbicides Manufacturer FMC Corporation Documents MSDS Label Qty. Needed gals. Pack Size Add to Quote Disclaimer Purchaser is responsible to read the Product Label and Use requirements for this product.
Authority supreme herbicide label
AUTHORITY® SUPREME HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US It complements a wide range of soybean seed traits and is effective against weeds that resist ALS, triazine, glyphosate and PPO herbicides. Authority Supreme herbicide controls tough weeds like kochia, waterhemp, Palmer pigweed and more. Labels and SDS Specimen Label SL-4099 090418 01-09-18 SDS Safety Data Sheet Crops Soybeans Click to open/close Authority® Supreme Herbicide - Reichman Sales & Service authority supreme herbicide can be applied in all tillage systems (conventional, reduced and no-tillage) and applied in the fall or in the spring as a preplant, preplant incorporated, or preemergence treatment for susceptible grass and broadleaf weeds in dry shelled peas including chickpea), soybeans, and sunflowers.consult individual crop … PDF Authority Supreme Herbicide - Cdms AUTHORITY SUPREME HERBICIDE PMRA Approved Label 2020-5073 2022-02-08 GROUP 14 15 HERBICIDES AUTHORITY®SUPREME HERBICIDE COMMERCIAL (AGRICULTURAL) Suspension Concentrate For weed control in field pea, chickpeas, soybean, sunflowers and in field-grown conifers (including Christmas trees).
Authority supreme herbicide label. Viewing a thread - Authority Supreme herbicide Here is the label. (9BEB1194-0B71-4D26-99B1-4819FD7D552F (full).png) Attachments-----9BEB1194-0B71-4D26-99B1-4819FD7D552F (full).png (100KB - 74 downloads) MX255 ... Subject: RE: Authority Supreme herbicide: Extreme Northwest MO: I used it this year and have been happy so far. The last few years I have used authority first and dual. I ran 6 oz ... Authority Supreme | FMC Corporation | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Herbicide WSSA mode of action 14 Inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) Classification K3 Herbicide WSSA mode of action 15 Inhibition of VLCFAE Registration EPA: 279-3601 Restrictions Available for use in the following states Available Not available Caution Product safety Protections Early entry Herbicides Pre-emerge weed control: glyphosate, ALS, and triazine-resistant weeds, including kochia, giant, green and yellow foxtails, redroot and smooth pigweed, common lambsquarters, ivyleaf and tall morningglory, eastern black and black nightshade, barnyardgrass, palmer amaranth, Russian thistle, common and tall waterhemp. What's New for Agronomic Weed Control in 2021 New herbicide products, label updates, and industry news about weed management are highlighted in the article. ... Authority Edge 4.25SC (sulfentrazone [Spartan] + pyroxasulfone [Zidua]; groups 14, 15; FMC) has similar active ingredients as Authority Supreme but has a higher sulfentrazone load for use in any type of soybean. It will be soil ...
Agrian - Label Search Transport Information: 5 LB Package (s) (8 / Case), 25 LB Package (s), 25 LB Package (s) (2 / Case) Compounds, tree or weed killing, NOI, other than poison; having a density of 20 pounds or greater per cubic foot. (NOT DOT REGULATED BY HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION) Response Number: 800-424-9300. Medical Number: 866-944-8565. PDF For Agricultural or Commercial Use Only - Amazon Web Services, Inc. Authority Supreme will not control weeds that are emerged at the time of application, and an appropriate burndown herbicide must be tank-mixed with Authority Supreme for control of emerged broadleaf and grass weeds. Table 1. Weeds Controlled by Early Preplant, Pre-plant Incorporated, or Preemergence Applications of Authority Supreme PDF AUTHORITY SUPREME HERBICIDE - Microsoft APPLY AUTHORITY® SUPREME HERBICIDE TO FIELDS TREATED WITH AUTHORITY® 480 HERBICIDE OR AUTHORITY® SUPREME OR ANY PRODUCT CONTAINING SULFENTRAZONE, IN THE PREVIOUS YEAR. STORAGE Store in original container in cool, dry, well-ventilated location. STORE ABOVE 5°C TO KEEP PRODUCT FROM FREEZING. If frozen, thaw before use. Authority® Supreme Herbicide - 8L Jug | Extended Weed Control Herbicide ... Authority Supreme herbicide is a powerful pre-emergent tool that attacks weeds before they have a chance to harm your field pea, chickpea, and soybean crop. Its dual modes of action also help manage weed resistance, while providing effective control of a variety of broadleaf and grass weeds during a critical crop development period.
PDF 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION - Microsoft Product Identifier Product NameAuthority Supreme Herbicide Other means of identification Product Code(s)7604-A Legacy Product CodeF9314-3 (FO000995) Official Pesticide Product Database 342. 279-9601. AFFINITY BROADSPEC HERBICIDE WITH TOTALSOL SOLUBLE GRANULES. 12/31/2022. EPA Label. N725. 326. 279-9599. AFFINITY TANKMIX HERBICIDE WITH TOTALSOL SOLUBLE GRANULES. PDF Authority Supreme Herbicide - Sds SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATION Product identifier Product name AUTHORITY SUPREME HERBICIDE Other means of identification Product code 50000799 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended use Can be used as herbicide only. Restrictions on use Use as recommended by the label. Authority Elite Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) [279-3442] - $274.95 : Keystone ... Labeled Crops Reviews Authority Elite Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) Authority Elite pre-emergence herbicide earned its name by coming out on top in trials, scoring big in the number of broadleaf weeds and grasses it controls, and outlasting other pre-emergence herbicides in length of residual activity (45-60 days).
FMC launches new Authority Edge herbicide | Successful Farming Available in a convenient low-use-rate and easy-to-use liquid formulation, Authority Edge herbicide is labeled for fall and spring preplant and preemergence applications, up to three days after planting.
Herbicide | Precision EPA Extends Dicamba Registration with Label Changes. ... Authority® Supreme herbicide. And just in time for the 2018 growing season. The U.S. EPA and Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency have granted registration in soybeans, sunflowers and dry field peas. Authority Supreme herbicide provides two effective sites of action to combat some ...
Authority® Supreme herbicide / East | FMC Ag CA Authority Supreme herbicide fits both herbicide-tolerant and Identity-Preserved (IP) soybeans and comes in a convenient, easy to use, liquid formulation. Flexible rate options allow for a setup treatment or an extended control application. Labels and SDS SDS 2018-09-10 SDS 2018-09-10 (Français) Specimen Label
Panther® Pro - US - Crop - Nufarm All tank mixes of Panther Pro applied to assist in the control of emerged weeds must be applied with crop oil concentrate or methylated seed oil at 1 to 2 pints per acre or a non-ionic surfactant at 0.25% v/v. See label for complete application rates and recommendations. EPA REG. NO.: 71368-120.
Wheat now on label for Authority 480 - Top Crop Manager By Top Crop Manager. The addition of spring and durum wheat to the Authority 480 herbicide label gives growers a new Group 14 herbicide option for pre-emergent weed control. The registration comes just in time for the 2020 growing season. Authority 480 herbicide, produced by FMC Canada, was already available for use in field peas, chickpeas ...
PDF Authority® Supreme Herbicide Technical Bulletin | Soybeans AUTHORITY® SUPREME HERBICIDE USE DIRECTIONS Rates - Soybeans:6 - 11.5 oz./ A Application Timing Apply preplant, preemergence up to three days after planting Tank-Mix Recommendations- Refer to labels for rate selection by soil type • Authority® First OR XL herbicide 3.2 oz./ A • Spartan® Charge herbicide 3.75-4.5 oz./ A • Metribuzin - 5-7 oz./
Dicamba Update: Three FMC Herbicides Added to XtendiMax Label Authority Supreme, Spartan 4F, and Spartan Charge herbicides from FMC have just been added to the XtendiMax herbicide with VaporGrip Technology website page as approved tank-mix partners. This is the final step required to allow these products as tank mixes with XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology when used on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans.
PDF herbicide - INNVICTIS Some weeds are known to develop resistance to herbicides that have been used repeatedly. While the development of herbicide resistance is well understood it is not easily predicted. Therefore, herbicides should be used in conjunction with the resistance management strategies in the area. Consult the local or State agricultural advisors for details.
PDF Pyroxasulfone Group 15 Herbicide Sulfentrazone Group 14 Herbicide - Cdms AUTHORITY SUPREME Herbicide is a suspension concentrate containing 4.16 lb active ingredient per gallon (containing 2.08 lb ai of pyroxasulfone and 2.08 lb ai of sulfentrazone). KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION FMC Corporation 2929 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Net Contents: 2.5 Gallons Sold By FIRST AID
Authority XL Herbicide | CommoditAg (20 Lbs) - CommoditAg Online Ag ... Authority XL is a dispersible granule formulation to be mixed with water and spread for selective pre-emergence and pre-plant incorporated weed control in soybeans. When applied according to the instructions on this label, it will control many broadleaf weeds and provide partial control of annual grasses. Specifications Restricted Use: No
Authority XL Herbicide (10 Pounds) [279-3413] - $539.95 : Keystone Pest ... Authority XL Herbicide (10 Pounds) Authority XL Herbicide can be applied in the spring to control tough weeds like marestail, waterhemp, lambsquarters and ragweed. Extend weed spectrum and burndown when weeds have already emerged by adding to Roundup or 2,4D LVE. Benefits: Facilitates more timely Roundup applications in Roundup Ready soybeans
PDF Authority Supreme Herbicide - Cdms AUTHORITY SUPREME HERBICIDE PMRA Approved Label 2020-5073 2022-02-08 GROUP 14 15 HERBICIDES AUTHORITY®SUPREME HERBICIDE COMMERCIAL (AGRICULTURAL) Suspension Concentrate For weed control in field pea, chickpeas, soybean, sunflowers and in field-grown conifers (including Christmas trees).
Authority® Supreme Herbicide - Reichman Sales & Service authority supreme herbicide can be applied in all tillage systems (conventional, reduced and no-tillage) and applied in the fall or in the spring as a preplant, preplant incorporated, or preemergence treatment for susceptible grass and broadleaf weeds in dry shelled peas including chickpea), soybeans, and sunflowers.consult individual crop …
AUTHORITY® SUPREME HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US It complements a wide range of soybean seed traits and is effective against weeds that resist ALS, triazine, glyphosate and PPO herbicides. Authority Supreme herbicide controls tough weeds like kochia, waterhemp, Palmer pigweed and more. Labels and SDS Specimen Label SL-4099 090418 01-09-18 SDS Safety Data Sheet Crops Soybeans Click to open/close
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